WiBreath – Air Quality Awareness

Make your Invisible Air Visible then Make it Change


The WiBreath project is a system for monitoring and controlling air quality. The project aims to make users aware of the importance of air pollution in indoor as well as outdoor environments.

The system consists of an outdoor module, which should be placed outdoors in a well-ventilated location, and one or more indoor modules to be placed in the environments we want to monitor.

To monitor air quality assessment parameters, WiBreath uses sensors capable of detecting fine dust, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity. Currently, the prototype is already implemented with sensors to detect fine dust (PM10, PM2.5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), temperature and relative humidity.

The user can view the collected information in real time, either individually or through the aggregation of data from the external and internal modules.

WiBreath’s user interface is intuitively designed and provides a clear visualization of data allowing users to immediately understand the changes and pollution levels detected. In addition, by monitoring external parameters and comparing them with the same data measured indoors, WiBreath’s algorithm can suggest simple actions to the user to improve air quality.

WiBreath has a major impact on people’s health and well-being, as indoor air quality has direct repercussions on health, transmission of viruses and pathogens, respiratory diseases, and cognitive abilities.

WiBreath is an intelligent system that is not limited to measuring data and displaying them but, through contextualizing and comparing the measured parameters, makes the user aware in learning that, even a small action, such as opening a window, significantly affects the world around us.

WiBreath aims to propose with its creative communication a way of learning and recognizing the network of resources available to actively balance environmental factors that affect people’s well-being.
The contextualization in which the WiBreath system is embedded creates an applicative experiential condition whose systemic dynamic is given by relating environmental states (indoor/outdoor) to possible causes (emission sources), their respective resolutions (tools and best practices), brought to the attention of the user of the WiBreath space.
Given the even temporary predisposition to use the WiBreath space, combined with the feature of empirical problem-solving learning with tools within everyone’s reach (including the window) makes exportable individual awareness and self-reflection about behaviours and conditions in their own spaces.
Its characteristics of behavioural dynamics make it a strong system for the dissemination of applied awareness.

The WiBreath concept emerged in 2017-2018 and now in 2023 the Team within CSRP Institute wants to explore the possible extentions of the system in terms of sensing, factors and contextes.

WiBreath Team

Evolves, Reveals and Slices Indoor Air Pollutants

Step by Step

Francesca Cappa, Daniela Nossa, Jelena Sucic, Leonardo Mosio, Saverio Panichi